6. Database Structure

Editable song info

idintegeruniquely identifies a record
artisttextperforming artist
songtitletexttitle of the song
albumtextalbum the song appears on
fullcdbooleanindicates whether all the songs are in the database
tracknrintegertrack number on the cd
genretextgenre of the song
yearintegeryear the song was published
commenttextID3 comment

Read-only song and file info

lengthintegerlength of the song in seconds
sizekbintegersize of the file in kilobytes
samprateintegersample rate
lastmodifieddatelast modification date
layerbooleanMPEG layer
modetextStereo mode
filenametextfilename on the media
pathtextrelative path on the media
cdtitletexttitle of the media

Miscelleneous info

dupintegerindicates whether the song is a duplicate
cdupintegerindicates whether the song is the first of a set of duplicates
ratingintegera -good or bad- rating of the song
favintegerindicates a favorite status
exintegerindicates if the song was excluded

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